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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Prepare Yourself For Success!

"Five Simple Things That Make a Winner...

It's easy to spot winners in a crowd of wannabies. They radiate a different kind of "energy"; they seem to set better goals, be more "on purpose", and get where they are heading faster then others. So how do they do that?

I call it a "Success D-Factor".

What is it? It's a set of simple characteristics. They have nothing to do with intelligence, level of education, or the amount of money one has in the bank.

Most importantly, anyone can instantly increase their own "D-Factor" by simply deciding so... Yes, it's that simple (but it's not that easy!)

So what are those characteristics?

1. Direction. Successful people are more "on purpose" because they have a clear sense of direction; they know where they are heading and what they want to accomplish. It's so much easier to hit your targets when you know what they are!

2. Decision. Successful people don't waste time indefinitely exploring their options. They quickly gather enough information and choose one option, one path to pursue.

3. Determination. Once successful people they make their decision they stick to it. They "bob and weave" through the obstacles of life, but they don't change the once chosen course until they get what they set out to accomplish!

4. Discernment. Successful people get exposed to the over-abundance of information and resources - just like the rest of us. But what makes them different is have the good judgement what information and which resources to take advantage of and which ones to leave behind.

No matter how attractive something is at the moment, and how great of a deal one can score, if it takes you off track, it's not a good deal for you!

5. Discipline. All four previous D's are useless if you don't have the discipline to follow them. It's the ability to continue doing things long after the initial feeling of excitement about it is gone!

There you have it - my top five characteristics for creating a powerful "D-Factor" for more success in your life!

I hope this helps you...

P.S. If this appeals to you, block a couple of hours of your time on your calendar on Fridays, at 8pm Eastern Time and join my Google Hangout. I'll be teaching a free webinar sharing my tips and strategies for winning in life and business. ;)

Now, be a giver - click LIKE & SHARE to pass this on to friends you care about!"

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